Guidance in Applying TCPS 2

The Panel on Research Ethics is pleased to share a growing collection of guidance documents as a resource for the community. The guidance documents focus on specific topics or areas of research based on input from experts in the field and guided by the core principles of the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS). They expand beyond the TCPS provisions and their interpretations by offering context specific considerations, examples, and options to assist researchers and research ethics boards (REBs) in conducting and reviewing research involving the specific issues or topics.

Guidance documents also serve to inform the community of possible future policy revisions on the topics. They may address topics in new or evolving areas, or signal the Panel’s developing views or new directions that may find their way into future revisions of the Policy.

The Panel encourages researchers, research ethics boards, and institutions to use these guidance documents to broaden and enhance their understanding of TCPS’s provisions, and to complement their educational initiatives and discussions of the topics.

Guidance documents:

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